Cocochocco Keratin Treatment


Cocochoco Gold not only regenerates, rebuilds and effectively straightens hair, it also provides extraordinary shine and gloss. Due to its unique chemical structure and Liquid 24K gold technology, Cocochoco Gold helps to reduce static electricity accumulation on your hair and protects it from humidity, salt water and rain. These qualities prevent the keratin within the hair from washing away, in addition to reducing frizz and providing a natural elasticity and healthy appearance.

If you have damaged, unruly or dyed hair, Cocochoco Gold offers several benefits, including:

Nourishment for the hair, which rebuilds damaged strands and reinforces healthy ones
Straightening & smoothing of the hair, making it more obedient & easier to stylise
Protection against harmful UV radiation on sunny days, & moisture on wet days
Up to 60% reduction in drying & fashioning time

The secret to smooth, straight and revitalised hair


Why Cocochocco?

  • 100% Vegan

  • Sulphate-Free

  • NO Formaldehyde

  • Lasts 3-6 months

  • Paraben-Free